It’s November, and COVID is still here. What can we do to make our lives easier?
When this school year started, many families like yours were thinking, “I can do this. It will be over soon.”
As we’re looking ahead to the next semester, you might be frustrated with your child’s setting and situation for learning. Or, you may have found a good stride but are seeing the challenges and demands increase as the year progresses.
Good news! You are not alone. We’re here with three ideas to help you hold it all together.
- Have a lot of grace for the teachers and districts here. We are all in uncharted waters.
It is frustrating, but it continues to be scary and hard for everyone. If you are like me, when you start to pull your hair out, realize you need a break, sit your child in front of a movie and read a funny book, watch a ridiculous TV show, and turn off the news for a few minutes.
Remember, we will not be here forever.
- Know that a vaccine is coming. There is progress in this direction; things will get better.
- Model patience for your child and discuss with them that we all get frustrated when we have to wait but that things do change.
When you are in a calm headspace, do number two.
- Expect your teachers and school, whatever model you are in, to be understanding of your child’s unique needs.
This is so important. If your child needs breaks, needs a shorter day, or extensions/abbreviations to assignments, ask for these. Your child still have unique needs, so this advocacy still matters.
Be collaborative
- Connect with the teachers that are working with your child.
- If your child is struggling and you feel stuck, ask for a meeting with your school psychologist, school counselor, or 504 coordinator.
- Reach out to an organization like Clear Child Psychology to help you figure out your child’s needs and advocate for those.
Here is a free resource of remote school recommendations from CADE Clinician Jessica Hasson, PhD. Jessica is in clinical practice in Maryland.
- Keep the self-care going for your family at home.
- Give yourself a break and order take out when you need to.
- Try to build some predictability into your home life while the school life is ever changing. Have your child work with you as you create schedules, fun activities, and expectations for the day.
Remember that your child is also likely to be overwhelmed and stressed.
- Keep demands low, and pick your battles.
- Listen to your child, and sympathize with what they are going through. Help them feel heard.
What can your child do to unwind? Is there a new activity your child can try?
- As COVID persists, there are more virtual classes children can take, such as dance, cooking, and art.
- There are also tutoring supports that meet virtually to help your child in math, reading, or another specific subject.
- Counseling services and support groups are offered virtually. If your child needs to connect with a therapist or with like-minded peers, you may be able to find online resources that were not available a few months ago.
COVID is hard. It is hard for families, educators, and students. This has not been a smooth school year. For the child who dislikes transitions, it has been even harder.
We’re here to help.
Book a FREE Discovery Session to get more guidance and support for your child and family this school year.