Parent-Teacher Collaboration: What to Expect and How to Make the Most of Your Relationship

by | Last updated Sep 24, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The idea of parent-teacher meetings can be scary or uncomfortable for parents, particularly for your first child and, thus, your first time navigating parent-teacher relationships. Clear Child Psychology offers 4 points for you to consider as your child begins school and you go into those first weeks or months. Virtual learning adds so many stressors and just increases the need for this collaboration and your advocacy for your child.

1. Get to know your child’s teacher at the beginning of the year. Early exchange of information about your child should be positive from teachers and parents. Your child’s teacher should get to know all the wonderful things about him or her and build a relationship before addressing any unique learning needs.

2. Teachers and parents should have open email or phone communication so that a child’s needs are met through collaboration. Going into a parent teacher meeting knowing something about the lessons, homework, and day-to-day classroom schedule and interaction will help your meeting go more smoothly.

3. As a parent, it is important to go into a meeting with your own questions. Be prepared to listen to your child’s teacher and also have information to share or ask about related to assignments, behavior, and aptitude. If you have concerns that your child is struggling with certain material, bring this up to his or her teacher so you can be on the same page. At the same time, hear a teacher’s praise and concerns thinking all the time about collaboration to meet your child’s needs.

4. Collaboration is key. If you have ideas about what works for your child at home, share those and ask for what your child needs including time or assignment modifications or breaks from virtual learning. If you are able to come into a parent/teacher meeting with a few ideas for your child’s learning, it is more likely that your child’s teacher will share his or her ideas and collaborate with you to best support your child. School and home collaboration has been shown to support learning and to troubleshoot concerns most effectively.

Contact us to schedule a FREE 20 Minute Discovery Call to get support on collaboration with your child’s teachers.

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