by | Last updated Jan 25, 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dr. Kroncke and Dr. Willard of CLEAR Child Psychology are pleased to announce they will be offering Autism Assessment Training.

Coming soon, train with the licensed clinical psychologists who co-authored a widely successful autism assessment textbook and developed www.cleape.com

Dr. Kroncke and Dr. Willard are experts in the field of autism assessment. They are two authors of the well-received textbook, Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Critical Issues in Clinical, Forensic and School Settings (Springer Publishing, 2016).

Their work identifies 11 areas of clinical concern and creates a comprehensive model for assessment.

Grow your clinical practice by adding autism assessment

Go beyond the gold standard with comprehensive training.

Our training will provide you with a roadmap to diagnosis and tools to integrate your data and convey it clearly in reports.

Join one of our intimate training classes to expand and further your clinical practice.

Emphasis on differential diagnosis and comorbid diagnosis

This training is unique in its emphasis on differential diagnosis and comorbid diagnosis. You will learn how to decide what is autism and what is something else.

Our training focuses on the relationship of autism symptoms to the symptoms of other disabilities, such as ADHD, anxiety, attachment, learning disabilities or dyslexia, PTSD, depression and personality disorders, to name a few.

Access to forms, report templates, and more

The thorough assessment module accompanies articles and references from our free website, Cleape, Knowing What’s the Matter, and will include a copy of the textbook.

Training includes forms, report templates, and a screening questionnaire that follows the 11 areas of clinical concern.

Following training in our model, you will have access to tools and templates to use in your own practice, and you will have the opportunity to be a member of our autism assessment network and referral system.

Gain resources for clients and their families

Clinicians will also gain a library of recommended materials for parents, children and individuals who are diagnosed with autism and/or a variety of other diagnoses.

Streamline autism assessment

Dr. Kroncke and Dr. Willard are in the process of developing software to accompany our training module that will provide easy data entry and output that can be included in your assessment report.

Take a clear leap forward with CLEAR Child Psychology

From the authors of Cleape, based in Colorado, CLEAR is a primarily web-based clinical psychology practice making clinical expertise accessible and reliable (CLEAR).

CLEAR has the mission to help 1 million families take a clear leap forward and find the right help for their kids’ mental health, developmental and educational needs.

CLEAR has a passion to reduce the time from first parent concern to diagnosis. We want to guide children quickly to the path to treatment and maximize their potential for optimal outcomes.

Interested in training with us?

We are looking for clinicians interested in adding autism assessment to their clinical practices.

Connect with CLEAR

Call or email CLEAR today to find out more about training in Colorado or in your state. Work with the licensed clinical psychologists who co-authored a widely successful autism assessment textbook and developed www.cleape.com.

Phone: 303-222-7923

Email: dr.harrison@clearchildpsychology.com

Website: www.clearchildpsychology.com



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