Looking for your next Parent Teacher Organization meeting topic?
We can help!
Parents and teachers often have questions about the terminology around learning needs for children.
Such as…
What is a Learning Disability? How is it the same or different from Dyslexia or a Learning Disorder?
When is intervention necessary?
What can be done at the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) level and when is a Section 504 Plan or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) necessary?
How can home, school and outside providers collaborate to support your child early and effectively if he or she has learning needs?
We can help!
We are Dr. Willard and Dr. Kroncke, authors and creators of the free framework www.cleape.com.
We are licensed psychologists and nationally certified school psychologists who have expertise in working with children and families to address learning needs in 11 areas, including behavioral, emotional, social, language and learning needs.
Our framework, www.cleape.com, offers strategies and suggestions for many learning challenges. It is a guide on how to help.
In your PTO meeting, we will help parents navigate confusing terminology. We will explain the terminology, and we will describe the types of interventions.
We will help parents understand how to help their children.
We will help you take a CLEAR LEAP forward!
We are doing speaking engagements this fall of 2018 FREE of charge. Contact us at CLEAR Child Psychology!