Is your child pulling her hair out? Some children engage in hair pulling behavior. Hair pulling symptoms can present in a variety of ways. Some children pull large amounts of hair at a time, while others pull single strands at a time.
Children may engage in ritualistic or patterned behaviors of hair pulling, meaning the child pulls out his or her hair methodically and in the same way each time. Others report they are not aware that they have engaged in hair pulling, indicating a distracted approach without conscious action.
Thus, some children may be purposely and repetitively pulling hair, while others may be somewhat unaware of their behavior. Hair pulling can occur during sleep, play, and/or studying, and hair pulling can occur when a child feels bored, lonely, or frustrated.
Some parents first notice bare or bald patches on their child’s scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, or arms and legs. Parents may observe their children to pick, pluck, or twirl pieces of hair until they come loose.
In some cases, children will put pieces of hair in their mouths.
Parents are often distressed by hair pulling behaviors because it is upsetting to see your child engage in a behavior that results in noticeable physical changes and causes them discomfort or distress. You may feel helpless when trying to help your child stop hair pulling behaviors.
What do challenges with Hair Pulling look like?
- Pulling, plucking, or picking at hair?
- Showing bare patches or baldness on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, or body?
- Pulling hair more than would be expected for a phase or occasional habit?
- Leaving piles of hair on his or her pillow or on the floor?
- Attempting to hide bare patches with hats or by rearranging hair?
- Seeming embarrassed or upset when you ask about hair pulling behaviors?
- Repeatedly pulling hair out? If so, your child may struggle with what psychologists call “trichotillomania.”
Why is Hair Pulling happening?
Clinically, this problem is referred to as Trichotillomania. Trichotillomania is a complicated disorder; it is often underdiagnosed in children, partly due to limited availability of information on how this disorder affects children and on how it can best be treated. Children who are affected tend to hide their hair pulling due to concerns about bare patches or embarrassment about the behavior. Trichotillomania affects girls more than boys. While very young children may engage in hair pulling behaviors, the most common age is 9-13 years old. Younger children typically engage in hair pulling for a short amount of time, and their behavior is generally associated with anxiety or attachment-related issues. In older children, it can be more difficult to help them stop hair pulling behavior.
In clinical work, children have reported that they look forward to hair pulling rituals or identify a hair they need to remove and are satisfied after pulling it.
Hair pulling can become such a habit that some children do not even recognize they have pulled hair. Some cases have occurred in which children wake up and have piles of hair on their pillow. Other times, after engaging in something like video games, they find a pile of hair around where they were sitting. The most common time children hair pull is when they are at rest, meaning that the child may be in his or her room, may be watching T.V., or may be playing a video game. Because the children often pull hair when alone, it can be difficult to stop hair pulling; it goes unnoticed by the children and their parents. The most common symptoms of trichotillomania are as follows: A) Recurrent pulling of hair that results in noticeable hair loss; and B) Pleasure, gratification, or relief when pulling out the hair. If your child is struggling with this, Cognitive Behavior Therapy or Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy may be helpful to interrupt the pattern and change the behavior.
How can I manage Hair Pulling at home?
If you suspect your child has trichotillomania, it is important to consult with a Psychologist or Psychiatrist. Some reports have indicated that psychotropic medication has been helpful in limiting hair pulling behaviors when children have co-occurring psychological disorders. For example, anti-depressants have been found to ease hair pulling if a child is experiencing depression. A psychiatrist can determine if your child would benefit from psychotropic medication.
Research has also shown that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be effective in eliminating hair pulling behaviors and addressing underlying issues. CBT helps children interrupt the undesired behavior (hair pulling) and bring awareness to when a child engages in the behavior.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy can also help to uncover underlying issues, such as anxiety, depression, or social phobia. By treating the behavior (hair pulling) and any other psychological issues a child is experiencing, your child can learn important skills to manage negative emotions and to control hair pulling.
If your child indeed has Trichotillomania, your child is not alone; treatment options are available. Sometimes, all a child needs is a replacement activity, such as or fidget toy or other sensory strategy, and an awareness of the urge to hair pull.
In more persistent cases, the best option is psychotherapy, such as CBT, so the child can develop more insight into the emotions or feelings that trigger hair pulling. A provider who is warm and understands trichotillomania will be the best option for your family.
How can Clear Child Psychology help with Hair Pulling?
We Help You, Immediately
Our Free Discovery Session is a 20-minute consultation where we can talk one-on-one about the concerns and questions you have about your child.
We Help Determine Next Steps
Our Initial Consultation allows us to get a deeper understanding of your child’s needs and determine if an assessment is appropriate.
We Build a Customized Plan
Our Assessments allow us to determine your child’s specific strengths and challenges. We can use this information to develop a customized support plan which includes: referrals
We Connect you with the Right Professionals
Once we understand your child’s needs, we will help families get connected to the right specialists. No more guesswork, no more wasted time and resources.
We Provide Ongoing Coaching and Support
Our Coaching Packages allow us to continually support families as they continue their journeys. Parental coaching, life-skills practice, and school advocacy are just a few examples of ways we help.